Jamie Gritton <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #1 from Jamie Gritton <> ---
I'm not surprised such a thing wouldn't work.  The IPv6 jail-related kernel
code knows only IP addresses, and doesn't touch scope.  These scoped link-local
addresses are a little beyond me I must admit*, but I can see at least one
essential jail concept breaking down in that paradigm: any IP communication of
the jail with itself is forcibly rerouted to localhost - which in the IPv6 case
kind of assumes the global scope where ::1 lives.  I'm sure there are many
other ways that are a good less simple that the whole scope concept just
doesn't make it into the part of the kernel that knows/cares about jails.

I imagine it would take a lot of support deep in the IPv6 code to make jails
work on link-local addresses, and frankly I just don't see than happening.  And
I wonder if it would be a good idea anyway - shunting a link-local address off
to a jail sounds it like could break things that depend on such addresses
existing in a regular non-jailed way.

(* It's also beyond me why a committee of people who know networking much
better than I do ever though such an abomination as this out-of-band special
"scope" address should even exist, but I digress).

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