--- Comment #5 from Marie Helene Kvello-Aune <> ---
I've reproduced this on 11-CURRENT (FreeBSD mpc.hjemme 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD
11.0-CURRENT #0 r293047M: Sat Jan  2 12:16:07 CET 2016    
root@mpc.hjemme:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64)

When I press ctrl + \ while jails are being started, I see a notice about a
core dump (attached) and I get the prompt to select which shell to use for
single-user mode. When selecting shell, I have single-user mode on host system.
This is with the default setting in /etc/ttys, where local console is
considered secure.

I tried pressing ctrl + \ constantly during rc.d execution but not during
/etc/rc.d/jail script exectution, and this behaviour was NOT happening. It
seems to be specific to the /etc/rc.d/jail script.

Once I entered single-user mode, I saw all jails had started, even though the
core dump and single-user mode happened while jail 2 out of 8 were being

If I set local console to not be considered secure (i.e. require password to
enter single-user mode), I am prompted for root password.

This is definitely a bug, but considering it doesn't let you skip password on
insecure console I wouldn't consider it a security issue.

Please let me know if any more details are required to solve this problem.

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