... And I think I have enabling gateway: I have writed this in both of
the rc.conf:


Is it correct ?

But I don't think I have DNS problem, my host correclty accessed to
internet and the resolv.conf of my jail is the same as the resolv.conf
of my host...

On 11/12/2015 23:31, Dirk Engling wrote:
> On 12.12.15 01:19, marcel wrote:
>> I would like to know if it is possible to configure a jail's network for
>> accessing to the World Wide Web but without ezjail ?
>> I have created my jail without ezjail (mkdir jail, make installworld,
>> etc...) and I would like to continue without it if it's possible...
> Sure, why doesn't it connect to the net? Does it have a RFC1918 IP? If
> so, you need to enable NAT. If not, did you enable gatewaying? Maybe you
> just have DNS problems, so is your resolv.conf set up properly?
> Without knowing what exactly is not working, I can not help you.
>   erdgeist

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