Hi there,

I'm running some jail servers on 10.2-RELEASE without VIMAGE or
something like that but using jail(8) and jail.conf(5).

Something seems to be wrong on my jail.conf but I wasn't able to track
this down.

For example (output with additional line breaks):

[root@top4 ~]# jail -mv uug_proxy
uug_proxy: jail_set(JAIL_UPDATE) jid=60 name=uug_proxy 
        devfs_ruleset=4 children.max=0 allow.set_hostname=false 
        allow.sysvipc=false allow.raw_sockets=false allow.chflags=false 
        allow.mount=false allow.mount.devfs=false allow.mount.nullfs=false 
        allow.mount.procfs=true allow.mount.zfs=true allow.quotas=false 
        allow.socket_af=false host.hostname=proxy.uugrn.lan 
uug_proxy: updated

[root@top4 ~]# jail -mv uug_mail 
: jail_set(JAIL_UPDATE) jid=44 name=uug_mail 
        devfs_ruleset=4 children.max=0 allow.set_hostname=false 
        allow.sysvipc=false allow.raw_sockets=false allow.chflags=false 
        allow.mount=false allow.mount.devfs=false allow.mount.nullfs=false 
        allow.mount.procfs=true allow.mount.zfs=true allow.quotas=false 
        allow.socket_af=false host.hostname=mail.uugrn.lan 
        =, ip6.addr=2a03:2500:1:6:b::: Invalid argument
jail: : unknown parameter: 

corresponding blocks from my jail.conf:
uug_mail {
        host.hostname   = "mail.uugrn.lan";
        path            = "/jails/uug/mail";
        ip4.addr        = em1|, em0|;
        ip6.addr        = em0|2a03:2500:1:6:b::;
        exec.prestart   = "/root/bin/jail_zfs_snap.sh zroot/jails/uug/mail 
        exec.poststop   = "/root/bin/jail_zfs_snap.sh zroot/jails/uug/mail 
uug_proxy {
        host.hostname   = "proxy.uugrn.lan";
        path            = "/jails/uug/proxy";
        ip4.addr        = em1|, em0|;
        ip6.addr        = em0|2a03:2500:1:6:d::;
        exec.prestart   = "/root/bin/jail_zfs_snap.sh zroot/jails/uug/proxy 
        exec.poststop   = "/root/bin/jail_zfs_snap.sh zroot/jails/uug/proxy 

I cannot see any difference between uug_mail and uug_proxy.

Stopping and starting those jails works using jail -rv and jail -cv:

[root@top4 ~]# jail -rv uug_proxy
uug_proxy: run command in jail: /bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown
uug_proxy: sent SIGTERM to: 26681 26678 26588
uug_proxy: removed
uug_proxy: run command: /root/bin/jail_zfs_snap.sh zroot/jails/uug/proxy 
Snapshotted zroot/jails/uug/proxy@20151008124019_poststop, see 
uug_proxy: run command: /sbin/umount /jails/uug/proxy/dev
uug_proxy: run command: /sbin/ifconfig em0 inet6 2a03:2500:1:6:d:: prefixlen 
128 -alias
uug_proxy: run command: /sbin/ifconfig em0 inet netmask -alias
uug_proxy: run command: /sbin/ifconfig em1 inet netmask -alias

[root@top4 ~]# jail -rv uug_mail 
uug_mail: run command in jail: /bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown
uug_mail: sent SIGTERM to: 60825 60822 60763
uug_mail: removed
uug_mail: run command: /root/bin/jail_zfs_snap.sh zroot/jails/uug/mail poststop
Snapshotted zroot/jails/uug/mail@20151008124024_poststop, see 
uug_mail: run command: /sbin/umount /jails/uug/mail/dev
uug_mail: run command: /sbin/umount -t nullfs /jails/uug/mail/freebsd
uug_mail: run command: /sbin/ifconfig em0 inet6 2a03:2500:1:6:b:: prefixlen 128 
uug_mail: run command: /sbin/ifconfig em0 inet netmask -alias
uug_mail: run command: /sbin/ifconfig em1 inet netmask -alias

[root@top4 ~]# jail -cv uug_mail
uug_mail: run command: /sbin/ifconfig em1 inet netmask alias
uug_mail: run command: /sbin/ifconfig em0 inet netmask alias
uug_mail: run command: /sbin/ifconfig em0 inet6 2a03:2500:1:6:b:: prefixlen 128 
uug_mail: run command: /sbin/mount -t nullfs -o ro /tank/freebsd 
uug_mail: run command: /sbin/mount -t devfs -oruleset=4 .  /jails/uug/mail/dev
uug_mail: run command: /root/bin/jail_zfs_snap.sh zroot/jails/uug/mail prestart
Snapshotted zroot/jails/uug/mail@20151008124133_prestart, see 
uug_mail: jail_set(JAIL_CREATE) persist name=uug_mail devfs_ruleset=4 
children.max=0 allow.set_hostname=false allow.sysvipc=false 
allow.raw_sockets=false allow.chflags=false allow.mount=false 
allow.mount.devfs=false allow.mount.nullfs=false allow.mount.procfs=true 
allow.mount.zfs=true allow.quotas=false allow.socket_af=false 
host.hostname=mail.uugrn.lan path=/jails/uug/mail 
ip4.addr=, ip6.addr=2a03:2500:1:6:b::
uug_mail: created
uug_mail: run command in jail: /bin/sh /etc/rc
uug_mail: jail_set(JAIL_UPDATE) jid=72 nopersist

[root@top4 ~]# jail -cv uug_proxy
uug_proxy: run command: /sbin/ifconfig em1 inet netmask alias
uug_proxy: run command: /sbin/ifconfig em0 inet netmask alias
uug_proxy: run command: /sbin/ifconfig em0 inet6 2a03:2500:1:6:d:: prefixlen 
128 alias
uug_proxy: run command: /sbin/mount -t devfs -oruleset=4 .  /jails/uug/proxy/dev
uug_proxy: run command: /root/bin/jail_zfs_snap.sh zroot/jails/uug/proxy 
Snapshotted zroot/jails/uug/proxy@20151008124139_prestart, see 
uug_proxy: jail_set(JAIL_CREATE) persist name=uug_proxy devfs_ruleset=4 
children.max=0 allow.set_hostname=false allow.sysvipc=false 
allow.raw_sockets=false allow.chflags=false allow.mount=false 
allow.mount.devfs=false allow.mount.nullfs=false allow.mount.procfs=true 
allow.mount.zfs=true allow.quotas=false allow.socket_af=false 
host.hostname=proxy.uugrn.lan path=/jails/uug/proxy 
ip4.addr=, ip6.addr=2a03:2500:1:6:d::
uug_proxy: created
uug_proxy: run command in jail: /bin/sh /etc/rc
uug_proxy: jail_set(JAIL_UPDATE) jid=73 nopersist

after restarting jails and without any changes to jail.conf uug_mail
still cannot be updated using "jail -mv":

[root@top4 ~]# jail -mv uug_mail
: jail_set(JAIL_UPDATE) jid=72 name=uug_mail devfs_ruleset=4 children.max=0 
allow.set_hostname=false allow.sysvipc=false allow.raw_sockets=false 
allow.chflags=false allow.mount=false allow.mount.devfs=false 
allow.mount.nullfs=false allow.mount.procfs=true allow.mount.zfs=true 
allow.quotas=false allow.socket_af=false host.hostname=mail.uugrn.lan 
=, ip6.addr=2a03:2500:1:6:b::: Invalid argument
jail: : unknown parameter: 

... "ip4.addr" and ${jail_name} are missing from output here and
obviously generate invalid properties for JAIL_UPDATE.

Maybe the jail.conf parser fails on "modify" but not on "create"?

This was just an example. I guess about 20% of my jails fail this way
just on "modify".

Any idea?

TIA and regards

PS: I run this setup for local unix user group ("uug"), non-profit :)

SMTP:           r...@uugrn.org, r...@sigsys.de 
XMPP:           r...@sigsys.de
PGP:            4E63 5307 6F6A 036D 518D  3C4F 75EE EA14 F625 DB4E

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