Jamie Gritton wrote:
On 03/17/13 05:59, Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas wrote:
Hi, all, I am start using the jail.conf for running my jails, in
rc.local I have this line jail -c this to start my jails at boot time
(any better ideas)

Now checking the man pages for the jail I found a option that cough my
attention, 'cpuset.id' any idea of how to use it ?

I would like to found a way to prevent a root user within a jail to
run a 'fork-bum' and freeze the host server.

Take a look at cpuset(1). You use that utility (in the host environment)
to change the CPUs available to a jail. Don't worry about the cpuset.id
parameter itself - you don't need it. Just use cpuset's "-j" flag to
specify the jail itself (by jid only). When you're starting jails in rc,
add the appropriate cpuset commands an exec_poststart option. Such as:

jail_backtest_poststart0="cpuset -c -l1,3-7 -j`cat

Hi Jamie,
I tried your suggestion with exec_poststart for setting the cpuset.
It doesn't work. I don't know if it worked for you with any older version of FreeBSD. I tried it on FreeBSD 9.1-RELESE.

I have this in rc.conf

jail_fox_exec_poststart0="cpuset -c -l 5-6 -j `cat /var/run/jail_fox.id`"

With rc_debug="YES", I get this error

# service jail start fox
cat: /var/run/jail_fox.id: No such file or directory
cat: /var/run/jail_fox.id: No such file or directory


/etc/rc.d/jail: DEBUG: fox exec post-start #1: cpuset -c -l 5-6 -j


 fox.example.comcpuset: option requires an argument -- j
usage: cpuset [-l cpu-list] [-s setid] cmd ...
       cpuset [-l cpu-list] [-s setid] -p pid
       cpuset [-c] [-l cpu-list] -C -p pid
cpuset [-cr] [-l cpu-list] [-j jailid | -p pid | -t tid | -s setid | -x irq]
       cpuset [-cgir] [-j jailid | -p pid | -t tid | -s setid | -x irq]

I think the problem is, that the command is evaluated befor the jail is started.

Or am I doing something wrong?

I also tried following with no luck:

jail_fox_exec_poststart0="cpuset -c -l 5-6 -j `jls -j fox jid`"

Miroslav Lachman
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