On 04/11/13 12:48, Dirk Engling wrote:
Dear jail hackers,
in my ongoing quest to understand the direction jail development is
heading, I noticed that per-jail-fstabs are not (anymore?, yet?)
supported by the new jail(8)-rc.d/jail2-combo. Are there official plans
to drop the support?
A nice new jail+zfs feature is the "zfs jail" command, allowing to
attach a zfs to a jail. The way[tm] to properly use this feature is to
first create a prison, attach the zfs file system(s) to the jid and only
then run the exec.start command. So either jail(8) needs to be zfs aware
and execute the zfs jail command(s) by itself, or a exec.postprestart
command that is being passed the prison id of the new jail needs to be
run in system context. (For shutting down and unjail-ing vice versa).
The same goes with the vimage features. Most of the ways I can think of
using vnet interfaces require some configuration in the host system
after the vnet has been attached to the jid but before exec.start (and
thus the jail's rc.d/netif) is executed.
Since I speak C, posix and sh fluidly, I am willing to implement or help
implementing any of the proposals in question, so do not misunderstand
them as just demands ;)
As mentioned, fstab support is there.
I have a parameter, vnet.interface, which runs the necessary "ifconfig
... vnet" command between jail creation and exec.start. We could have a
similar parameter for zfs, or we could create another set of exec.*
parameters, which would be more flexible in the long run. But as you
hinted at with "postprestart", there doesn't seem to be a good logical
name for it.
Since the vnet.interface command exists, you could use that as a guide
for adding a "zfs" parameter. vnet.interface only does anything on jail
creation, as the interface automatically reverts to the parent on jail
removal. I don't know if the zfs stuff works the same way - if it
doesn't, then you'll need a similar "prepoststop" kind of operation.
- Jamie
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