Andreas Nilsson wrote:
Great! There really was a need to modernize the handbook with regards to
jails. Since I'm not a native English speaker I'll leave grammar and
spelling for those who are ;)
My first impressions are along the lines:
To much scripts, to few examples/scenarios. Our users are smart, show them
what can be accomplished with "high-level" config, leave minutiae to some
part of the appendix.
The complexities of a a third generation jail system is imposable to
explain from the command line. This is already stated in the document.
Scripts are a more modern way to cover the over all subject without
getting bogged down entering command line commands that the operater can
make mistakes and typos and have to start from the begining just to
Also the exclusion of zfs and vnet is surprising, as those really make
jails shine, imo ( although jails really need to be thought about the
"gray" area visa-vi networking in rc-scripts that vnet provides ). How
about the resource control, which further makes jails really spiffy.
Well lets start with what the documents says about vnet. Its
"experimental". I tried to compile it into my test bed 9.1 kernel and
the system panicked on first boot. Now really, lets get serious here.
Why would I include something that is so obvious not ready for prime
time?. There is no way it should be used in a production jail system
securing processes exposed to the public internet. It's a use at your
own risk application. Maybe down the road when it grows up I will
consider adding a sub-chapter about it. But for now its a dead subject.
ZFS, Here is another software application just newly introduced as
experimental a few years ago. I admit it has come a long way in a short
time and is now included in the base system. But its a very big animal
and the handbook zfs chapter needs a lot more usage information first.
The jail chapter is not the place to be documenting how to utilize zfs.
Lets clear up some mis-conceptions. Jails can run on any host that has
part or all of it's hard drive space under zfs control. It has no effect
on the jail filesystems, matter of fact the jail system is totally
un-aware it's on a zfs system. Mounting zfs spaces to the jail
filesystem can be done from the host right now. The new jail.conf
definition statements has the allow.mount.zfs parameter which allows the
running jail to mount zfs space already defined within the running
filesystem. It's my understanding it does not allow mounting zfs space
from outside of the jailed filesystem. jail.conf does have some exec.*
parameters for issuing commands to the host during the jail start
process. zfs users have used these to automate mounting zfs data space
to a jail's filesystem before the jail really comes to life. It's all in
the jail(8) man page. I leave it up to the jail administrator to manage
zfs for jail systems. Again it's not the jails job to manage zfs.
I would have preferred top-level separation of the different methods, ie
after the introduction there was one "track" manual, one for old-school
rc-, one for new-school rc- and one for jail.conf-style jails.
More specifically I agree with Isaac Levy's, especially in regards to the
"jail cell" terminology:
"16.1 Synopsis": the term jail cell is used, long before being defined.
"16.2 Introduction": Mentioning jail cells in a historic contest is imho a
"blatant" lie ( they were never known as such ). As far as I know, no
official documentation has called them cells, either. That does not mean
that it's not an appropriate term, though. As a contrast there is Solaris
vocabulary of zones ( "cells" ) and global zone ( "jail system" ). In this
regard I prefer the solaris one.
Most importantly, a large chunk of 16.2 would imo fit much better as a
"history"-appendix. Current and new users don't need to know and consider
the limitations of earlier implementations. The "generations" talked about
could perhaps be quantified with a release version :)
Read this section again. it's not meant to be a history lesson. it's
meant to expose the reader to the progress of the chroot and how the
jail filesystem of that time affected performance and ease of use,
leading up to the third generation jail filesystem documented in the new
jail chapter.
There are, as stated by Isaac Levy, many (good) utils for managing jails.
Why the focus on qjail? I also think that most of the strong points of
jails are rendered moot without, in order, zfs and vimage. Linux jails
might also interest quite a few people.
For real, Linux jails documented in the FreeBSD handbook? You have to be
joking. Give qjail a ride and you will see that it's light years ahead
of any of those ports you speak of.
You really have to take time and digest what you read. It has to be read
as a whole not as some limited selection of parts. It will all make
sense after a few reads.
Thanks for the feedback.
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