On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 03:23:33PM -0900, Mel wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 January 2009 12:24:31 Frank Steinborn wrote:
> > I guess i found a possible answer to my problem: The jail is running
> > mldonkey, which is started via /etc/rc.conf. If I don't start it, the
> > jail comes up as expected. These are the last two processes spawned in
> > the jail:
> >
> > 37947  p3  T+J    0:00.01 su -l mldonkey -c /bin/sh -c
> > ^I"/usr/local/bin/mlnet ^I ^I ^I>> /dev/null 2>&1 &"
> > 37948  p3  TJ     0:00.01 -su -c /bin/sh -c ^I"/usr/local/bin/mlnet ^I
> > ^I ^I>> /dev/null 2>&1 &" (zsh)
>                              ^^^ 
> Why is zsh shell involved?

This was it. I should not have used the root-account inside the jails
with zsh. I now use the toor account on zsh and put the shell of root
back to csh everywhere.

However, I don't understand why zsh is invoked, since all rc.d-scripts
have shebang lines telling them to use /bin/sh? I'm a bit confused,
maybe can someone give a bit light on this...

However, it works now.


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