On 8/13/07, Miroslav Lachman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris Thunes wrote:
> > Hey all,
> >   I've been working with the resource limiting patches on a 6.2installation
> > and haven't been able to get jtune to show memory usage for jails at
> all.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ # jtune -j 15 -i
> > JID Hostname Memory Used / Limit CPU Shares
> > 15 jail0.rootbsd.net 0 M / 256 M 0
> >
> > I have the limits enabled in sysctl and really have idea as to why this
> > wouldn't be displaying correctly. If there is anyone who can point me in
> the
> > right direction the help would be greatly appreciated.
> Hi,
> I had same question more than month ago, but no answer (2007-06-29). So
> I think no competent person is subscribed to this list.
> [I CCed cdjones now = maybe he knows :)]
> Miroslav Lachman

I found the problem and was able to fix it and created a small patch for
anyone who needs this fixed. A function called prison_memory in
sys/kern/kern_jail.c is called to calculate the memory usage for a given
jail but this value is never stored back to the corresponding prison object
which is used by jtune to check the memory usage. This patch just drops a
few lines in at the end of prison_memory to store this value to the
structure. If anyone knows any adverse side effects this would cause please
let me know.

- Chris

Attachment: jtune_fix-2007-08-13.patch
Description: Binary data

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