Mark Johnston <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|Open                        |Closed
         Resolution|---                         |Overcome By Events

--- Comment #26 from Mark Johnston <> ---
(In reply to Michael Meiszl from comment #25)
> I guess I can now dare to update the external production machine too (if they 
> would crash I have no means to get to the console and start into single user 
> mode, so I am very very careful when it comes to kernel crashes and instant 
> reboots)

If you're building kernels from source you might try installing like this:

# make installkernel INSTKERNNAME=kernel.test
# nextboot -k kernel.test
# shutdown -r now

so if the new kernel (installed to /boot/kernel.test) panics and reboots, the
system will boot back into the old kernel without intervention in single-user
mode.  Be sure to try this before updating userland.

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