Perhaps a different question would also be helpful:

Can anyone share a functional example configuration using dummynet to prioritise traffic?


On 20 Jul 2021, at 9:15, Kristof Provost wrote:


I’ve been trying (and failing) to write a few basic test cases for dummynet (with ipfw for now).

The full test script can be found here: but the relevant bit is this:

                firewall_init $fw
                dummynet_init $fw

                vnet_mkjail alcatraz ${epair}b ${epair_link}a
                vnet_mkjail srv ${epair_link}b

        set -x

                ifconfig ${epair}a inet6 2001:db8:42::1/64 no_dad up
                route add -6 2001:db8:43::/64 2001:db8:42::2

jexec alcatraz ifconfig ${epair}b inet6 2001:db8:42::2 no_dad up jexec alcatraz ifconfig ${epair_link}a inet6 2001:db8:43::2 no_dad up
                jexec alcatraz sysctl net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1

jexec srv ifconfig ${epair_link}b inet6 2001:db8:43::1 no_dad up
                jexec srv route add -6 default 2001:db8:43::2
                jexec srv /usr/sbin/inetd -p \

                # Sanity check
atf_check -s exit:0 -o ignore ping6 -i .1 -c 3 -s 1200 2001:db8:42::2 atf_check -s exit:0 -o ignore ping6 -i .1 -c 3 -s 1200 2001:db8:43::2 atf_check -s exit:0 -o ignore ping6 -i .1 -c 3 -s 1200 2001:db8:43::1

                reply=$(echo "foo" | nc -w 5 -N 2001:db8:43::1 7)
                if [ "$reply" != "foo" ];
                        atf_fail "Echo sanity check failed"

jexec alcatraz dnctl pipe 1 config bw 300Byte/s queue 5 mask proto 0xff jexec alcatraz dnctl sched 1 config pipe 1 type wf2q+ mask proto 0xff jexec alcatraz dnctl queue 1 config sched 1 weight 99 queue 5 mask proto 0xff jexec alcatraz dnctl queue 2 config sched 1 weight 1 queue 5 mask proto 0xff

                firewall_config alcatraz ${fw} \
                        "ipfw"  \
"ipfw add queue 2 ipv6-icmp from any to any icmp6types 128,129" \
                                "ipfw add queue 1 tcp from any to any"

                # Single ping succeeds
                atf_check -s exit:0 -o ignore ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:43::1
                # Unsaturated TCP succeeds
                reply=$(echo "foo" | nc -w 5 -N 2001:db8:43::1 7)
                if [ "$reply" != "foo" ];
                        atf_fail "Unsaturated echo failed"

                # Saturate the link
                ping6 -i .01 -s 1200 2001:db8:43::1 &

                # Give that a chance to fill the queue & pipe
                sleep 1

                jexec alcatraz ipfw show

# We should now be hitting the limits and get this packet dropped. atf_check -s exit:2 -o ignore ping6 -c 1 -W 1 -s 1200 2001:db8:43::1

                # TCP should still just pass
                for i in `seq 0 4`
                        reply=$(echo "foo $i" | nc -w 10 -N 2001:db8:43::1 7)
                        if [ "$reply" != "foo $i" ];
atf_fail "Failed to prioritise traffic on interation $i"
                        sleep 1

                jexec alcatraz ipfw flush
                # This will fail if we don't differentiate the traffic
                firewall_config alcatraz ${fw} \
                        "ipfw"  \
"ipfw add queue 1 ipv6-icmp from any to any icmp6types 128,129" \
                                "ipfw add queue 2 tcp from any to any"

                # Carry over state?
                killall ping6
                ping6 -i .01 -s 1200 2001:db8:43::1 &
                sleep 1

                reply=$(echo "baz" | nc -w 10 -N 2001:db8:43::1 7)
                if [ "$reply" == "baz" ];
                        jexec alcatraz ipfw show
atf_fail "TCP still made it through, even when not prioritised"

The idea is to set up a very slow link (using a pipe), and then to send both ICMP echo and TCP traffic through it. There’s vastly more ICMP traffic than TCP, and the expectation is that without prioritisation the ICMP traffic will drown out TCP and cause the connection to fail. We then try to use dummynet to give TCP priority over ICMP, so that the TCP connections do succeed.

However, I simply cannot get it to behave in any sort of predictable or consistent way. Sometimes the TCP connection succeeds, despite attempts to prioritise ICMP, or vice versa.

Clearly I’m misconfiguring something, but at this point I do not understand what. Does anyone see my mistake, or have any relevant configuration examples to share?


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