
 I would like your comments about the attached patch to /etc/rc.

 The problem I want to fix by this patch is as follows.
 net.inet{,6}.fw.enable are set to 1 by default at boot time if IPFW
 kernel module is loaded or statically compiled into a kernel.  And by
 default IPFW has only a "deny ip from any to any" rule if it is
 compiled without IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT option.  In this case,
 the default-deny rule can prevent rc.d scripts before rc.d/ipfw from
 working as described in the patch.

 To fix this, the patch turns IPFW off before running rc.d scripts at
 boot time, and enables it again in rc.d/ipfw script.

 I think most of users use GENERIC kernel + ipfw kernel module.  In
 that case, IPFW is not activated before rc.d/ipfw script regardless
 of this patch, so there is no user-visible change.  This patch
 affects only a combination of a kernel with IPFW compiled and rc.d
 scripts running before rc.d/ipfw.  The behavior will be almost the
 same as GENERIC kernel + ipfw kernel module's.

 Please let me know if I am missing something.

-- Hiroki
Index: etc/rc
--- etc/rc	(revision 271853)
+++ etc/rc	(working copy)
@@ -87,6 +87,17 @@

+# Clear *.fw.enable sysctls.  At boot time, some of network initialization
+# before rc.d/ipfw script requires network communications (e.g. DHCP and
+# IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection).  When *.fw.enable=1 and "default deny"
+# policy was applied---this can happen when IPFW is complied into the kernel
+# or ipfw kernel module is loaded by loader before rc.d/ipfw runs, those
+# comminucations are blocked.  To prevent this, set *.fw.enable=0 before
+# calling rc.d scripts.  The rc.d/ipfw script set this to 1 after
+# configuration.
+/sbin/sysctl -q net.inet.ip.fw.enable=0
+/sbin/sysctl -q net.inet6.ip6.fw.enable=0
 # If the firstboot sentinel doesn't exist, we want to skip firstboot scripts.
 if ! [ -e ${firstboot_sentinel} ]; then
 	skip_firstboot="-s firstboot"

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