
i faced weird for me situation, may somebody agree to help to win it,

we need to see some http/s resources behind the Cisco PIX IPSEC

i'm trying to get working this schema:

SCHEMA (`nat before vpn' as i believe):

+-> a.a.0.1/16 LAN
+-> a.a.a.2/24 FreeBSD b.b.b.1 <-> c.c.c.1/24 IPSEC PEER PIX
                  |                           |
                  + x.x.x.x <-------> y.y.y.y +

> uname -a
FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE #3: Tue Aug  2 15:39:33 EEST 2011 i386

> cat /etc/rc.conf
ifconfig_bge0="inet x.x.x.x/25"
ifconfig_bge1="inet a.a.a.2/24"
ifconfig_gif0="inet b.b.b.1 c.c.c.1 tunnel x.x.x.x y.y.y.y"

in kernel i have:
options         IPSEC
options         IPSEC_DEBUG
device          crypto

options         IPFIREWALL
options         IPFIREWALL_FORWARD
options         IPFIREWALL_NAT
options         IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE
options         IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=200
options         IPDIVERT
options         LIBALIAS

> cat /usr/local/etc/racoon/setkey.conf

spdadd b.b.b.1  c.c.c.0/24 any -P out ipsec \

spdadd  c.c.c.0/24 b.b.b.1 any -P  in ipsec \

> cat /etc/ipfw.conf

add 000401 allow udp from x.x.x.x to y.y.y.y isakmp
add 000402 allow udp from y.y.y.y to x.x.x.x isakmp
add 000403 allow { esp or ipencap } from x.x.x.x to y.y.y.y
add 000404 allow { esp or ipencap } from y.y.y.y to x.x.x.x

add 00502 nat 100 all from { a.a.1.0/24 or a.a.2.0/24 } to c.c.c.0/24
nat 100 config log if bge1 ip b.b.b.1 reverse

trying to ping IPSEC PEER from LAN

user@a.a.a.20> ping c.c.c.1

c.c.c.1 reply packets are coming in and are decrypted but replies doesn't reach
ping initiator a.a.a.20

box a.a.a.20 reports ping statistics:
450 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss

at FreeBSD box i see:
user@FreeBSD> tcpdump -n -i gif0 host c.c.c.1
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on gif0, link-type NULL (BSD loopback), capture size 96 bytes
13:27:18.122542 IP c.c.c.1 > b.b.b.1: ICMP echo request, id 39050, seq 2903, 
length 64
13:27:19.123275 IP c.c.c.1 > b.b.b.1: ICMP echo request, id 39050, seq 2904, 
length 64
13:27:20.124517 IP c.c.c.1 > b.b.b.1: ICMP echo request, id 39050, seq 2905, 
length 64
13:27:21.125568 IP c.c.c.1 > b.b.b.1: ICMP echo request, id 39050, seq 2906, 
length 64

on WAN i see this
user@FreeBSD> tcpdump -n -i bge0 esp
00:00:00.635862 ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 166: x.x.x.x > y.y.y.y: 
ESP(spi=0xad597f86,seq=0x7), length 132
00:00:00.024467 ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 166: y.y.y.y > x.x.x.x: 
ESP(spi=0x060bc3e3,seq=0x7), length 132
00:00:00.635567 ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 166: x.x.x.x > y.y.y.y: 
ESP(spi=0xad597f86,seq=0x8), length 132
00:00:00.024689 ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 166: y.y.y.y > x.x.x.x: 
ESP(spi=0x060bc3e3,seq=0x8), length 132
00:00:00.636724 ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 166: x.x.x.x > y.y.y.y: 
ESP(spi=0xad597f86,seq=0x9), length 132
00:00:00.024286 ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 166: y.y.y.y > x.x.x.x: 
ESP(spi=0x060bc3e3,seq=0x9), length 132

so, ipsec and ipfw_nat out works, but where are reply packets disappearing to 
after coming to gif0 interface?
why no backward divert occures? 

  trying to ping IPSEC PEER from FreeBSD box
  user@b.b.b.1> ping c.c.c.1
  everything works since no nat occures ...

  user@b.b.b.1> tcpdump -n -i gif0 host  c.c.c.1
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on gif0, link-type NULL (BSD loopback), capture size 96 bytes
13:45:56.759567 IP  c.c.c.1 > b.b.b.1: ICMP echo reply, id 53484, seq 213, 
length 64
13:45:57.760745 IP  c.c.c.1 > b.b.b.1: ICMP echo reply, id 53484, seq 214, 
length 64
13:45:58.762787 IP  c.c.c.1 > b.b.b.1: ICMP echo reply, id 53484, seq 215, 
length 64
13:45:59.765493 IP  c.c.c.1 > b.b.b.1: ICMP echo reply, id 53484, seq 216, 
length 64
13:46:00.764619 IP  c.c.c.1 > b.b.b.1: ICMP echo reply, id 53484, seq 217, 
length 64
13:46:01.765676 IP  c.c.c.1 > b.b.b.1: ICMP echo reply, id 53484, seq 218, 
length 64

  user@b.b.b.1> tcpdump -n -ettt -s0 -i bge0 host y.y.y.y
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on vlan11, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
00:00:00.635862 ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 166: x.x.x.x > y.y.y.y: 
ESP(spi=0xad597f86,seq=0x7), length 132
00:00:00.024467 ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 166: y.y.y.y > x.x.x.x: 
ESP(spi=0x060bc3e3,seq=0x7), length 132
00:00:00.635567 ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 166: x.x.x.x > y.y.y.y: 
ESP(spi=0xad597f86,seq=0x8), length 132
00:00:00.024689 ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 166: y.y.y.y > x.x.x.x: 
ESP(spi=0x060bc3e3,seq=0x8), length 132
00:00:00.636724 ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 166: x.x.x.x > y.y.y.y: 
ESP(spi=0xad597f86,seq=0x9), length 132
00:00:00.024286 ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 166: y.y.y.y > x.x.x.x: 
ESP(spi=0x060bc3e3,seq=0x9), length 132

so, is it possible to get it working? 
if yes, where is my mistake, please?

Zeus V. Panchenko
JID:z...@gnu.org.ua                                     GMT+2 (EET)
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