You're invited to join us in Boston, June 23-24, 2010, for the first
USENIX Conference on Web Application Development. WebApps '10 is a new
technical conference designed to bring together experts in all aspects
of developing and deploying Web applications.

Web-based applications are revolutionizing both the features that can be
delivered and the technologies for developing and deploying
applications. They also involve a diverse collection of issues and
technologies. Take advantage of this new opportunity for interaction and
synergy across these areas.

The program includes:

* Invited talks by industry leaders including Adam de Boor, Google, on
"Gmail: Past, Present, and Future"

* Refereed papers on a variety of topics such as new approaches to
Web frameworks, techniques for giving users control over their Web
data, better ways of managing Ajax and Javascript, and a variety
of security issues ranging from better CAPTCHAs to information flow

* A Poster Session and Happy Hour held jointly with USENIX ATC '10.
The poster session provides a great way to let other people know about
your work and to get useful feedback from the community. Submissions are
due on June 13, 2010.

* Work-in-Progress Reports. If you have work you would like to share, a
controversial opinion, or a cool idea that's not quite ready for
publication, submit a WiP by June 13, 2010.

Find out more about the posters and WiPs at:

WebApps '10 is part of the USENIX Federated Conferences Week. Not only
do you get a 2-day conference program filled with the latest research,
but you'll also have additional opportunities to mingle with colleagues
and leading experts in the combined Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BoFs)
and at the various evening social events, vendor BoFs, and receptions.

Your WebApps '10 registration gets you into all the ConfWeek events
happening those days: tutorials, talks, workshops--you name it. Plus,
registration packages offer expanded discounts. The more days you
attend, the more you save!

The full WebApps '10 program is available at

Register by June 7, 2010, for the greatest savings.

* Additional registration discounts are available!
Discount types include hardship, government, and non-profit:

* Help spread the word!

I look forward to seeing you in Boston!


John Ousterhout, Stanford University
WebApps '10 Program Chair

USENIX Conference on Web Application Development (WebApps '10)
June 23-24, 2010, Boston, MA
Poster and WiPs Submissions Deadline: May 27, 2010
Early Bird Registration Deadline: June 7, 2010
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