Hi Kirk, Christoph, Hackers, "Julian H. Stacey" wrote: > Kirk McKusick wrote: > > Thanks for the pointer. As you note, the damage (or benefit :-) is > > done. Still I have sent an email to the editor at Spiegel notifying > > them of my copyright in the hopes that they will at least ask in the > > future. > > > > Kirk McKusick > > Good idea. You might want to contact authors of that PDF paper too. > In case, as my browser still is fails on URL I posted earlier: > http://www.iseclab.org/papers/sonda-TR.pdf > I'll send you an off list copy of what I downloaded earlier > at 2nd Feb 18:14 TZ=GMT+01:00.
National German TV (WDR was showing the BSD Daemon graphic in close up, as part of that PDF report, just now, about 19:10 GMT+02:00 Fri 5th Feb. They quoted http://www.aktuelle-stunde.de/ I clicked to http://www.wdr.de/tv/aks/sendungsbeitraege/2010/kw05/0205/angeklickt.jsp Big Browser is watching you! Freitag, 05. Februar 2010, 18.50 - 19.30 Uhr "Kein Versprecher, sondern wie es scheint, zunehmend ein Problem. Irgendwie wussten wir es ja schon immer: Wer sich viel in sozialen Netzwerken wie Facebook, SchuelerVZ, Xing, Stayfriends und Co. aufhält, der gibt so oder so schon eine Menge von und über sich preis, bewusst in der Regel. Aber wer hätte gedacht, dass man beim Ansteuern anderer Netzseiten zum gläsernen Surfer werden könnte? Genau das kann aber passieren, sagen Forscher in einer Studie. Wer sich viel in sozialen Netzwerken aufhält, muss damit rechnen, künftig beim Surfen erkannt zu werden. Jörg Schieb erklärt uns nun, was das bedeutet, wie das funktioniert und worum es eigentlich geht." "Haben Sie Fragen oder Anregungen? Dann schicken Sie uns eine E-Mail. angekli...@wdr.de The BSD symbol was used IMO totaly out of all context on the TV clip. Though the Firefox symbol has more relevance. Kirk, you may want to remind the chaps in Wien/Vienna Uni who wrote the report, that the copyright on that symbol is yours, as report was written in English, no problem for you to do that. If you want to write the TV company: I'm British, I merely read German, don't write it well, There's numerous native German speakers on this list can translate to German much better than I ever could. I suspect this may be front edge of a wave, so it's perhaps worth trying to ensure the BSD daemon is not riding that wave. The more so, as if others realise this is about data harvesting, & there was another German court ruling about data harvesting recently http://www.berklix.com/~jhs/free/scam_fees.html BSD being seen with harvesting not so good. PS an undefended trade mark loses its right to further defence or some such, (I'm not a lawyer). > > =-=-=-= > > > > From: "Julian H. Stacey" <j...@berklix.com> > > Date: Tue, 02 Feb 2010 19:30:29 +0100 > > To: Christoph Kukulies <k...@kukulies.org> > > Subject: Re: our little daemon abused as symbol of the evil > > Cc: freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org, Kirk McKusick <mckus...@mckusick.com> > > Organization: http://www.berklix.com BSD Unix Linux Consultancy, Munich > > Germany > > > > Christoph Kukulies wrote: > > > Look here: > > > > > > http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-51396-2.html > > > > ( Well spotted Christoph ! ) > > For those that don't read German, tracing back, > > Text article starts here > > http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/0,1518,675395,00.html > > > > That is in German, > > (some might like a translator web, eg http://babelfish.org ) > > I did read the german article (but skipped graphics). > > > > Key paragraph: > > Es ist ein Horrorszenario für Datenschützer, was Thorsten > > Holz, Gilbert Wondracek, Engin Kirda und Christopher Kruegel > > in ihrem 15-seitigen Aufsatz beschreiben ( PDF-Datei hier, > > 803 KB): Die Experten vom Isec-Forschungslabor für > > IT-Sicherheit, einer Kooperation der Technischen Universität > > Wien, dem Institute Eurcom und der University of California, > > dokumentieren einen technisch eher simplen Angriff, der > > eine seit zehn Jahren bekannte Sicherheitslücke ausnutzt. > > > > In key para there I could click & download > > sonda-TR.pdf > > (though now I can't seem to redownload > > http://www.iseclab.org/papers/sonda-TR.pdf ) > > A 15 page article in Engish. > > Page 4 uses the Firefox & BSD logos. > > > > I havent read that English [yet], but with it, any interested here > > can now read & form own opinions if it seems fair to use the Daemon > > logo, especially cc'd copyright holder of BSD daemon holder: > > Kirk McKusick <mckus...@mckusick.com> > > > > IMO The German article by weekly magazine Spiegel.de didnt really seem > > to have anything to do with BSD, they just copied the graphics. > > > > Personaly my 2c: > > Initial reaction was I'd be a happier if a generic PC graphic had > > been used in the spiegel.de web, but maybe its the price of fame, > > I guess tests were done using BSD, & Spiegel thought it was nice > > colourful graphic. (Politicians never looked good on British TV > > Spitting Image programme, but they learnt it was better to look > > bad there, & be talked about, than not seen, not recognised & > > ignored). > > Cheers, > Julian > -- > Julian Stacey: BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich http://berklix.com > Mail plain text not quoted-printable, HTML or Base64 > http://www.asciiribbon.org Cheers, Julian -- Julian Stacey: BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich http://berklix.com Mail plain text not quoted-printable, HTML or Base64 http://www.asciiribbon.org _______________________________________________ freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-hackers To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-hackers-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"