On 2010-Jan-04 20:37:49 +0600, Victor Sudakov 
<sudakov+free...@sibptus.tomsk.ru> wrote:
>Erik Trulsson wrote:
>> It will add the tag to the file of course.  (In CVS tags are stored inside
>> each RCS file.)

Actually, FreeBSD's CVS checkin scripts were hacked many years ago to
unexpand $FreeBSD$ on checkin so that the actual repo "text" part just
includes $FreeBSD$ and doesn't update on each checkin.

>So, branching a native CVS repo would still produce a massive change
>and download of RCS files by cvsup?

Yes - because the RCS file includes all the metadata - ie tags.  This
is very visible when (eg) the ports tree is tagged.  

Peter Jeremy

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