I've been scratching my head all day on an issue that's been frustrating.

I've got two FreeBSD 6.2 instances installed on two M600 blades, and am
moving to a new datacenter with M600 blades and trying to install FreeBSD
7.2 or 8.  But as others on this list and elsewhere have mentioned,
seemingly without resolution, is that it doesn't work.


I was able to install 6.4 on it today, but I'm still at a loss as to why
7.x and even 8.x will not.  Did the architecture change in such a way that
it could no longer support M600 blades?  Did someone leave something out of
the standard ISO kernel?  Am I not doing it right?

Happy to pass along my dmesg.boot; I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this,
or where to look for documentation that says something in the M600 is no
longer supported, or that what was supported in the M600 was changed that
now causes FreeBSD to hang instead of booting.

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beck...@angryox.com                                 http://www.angryox.com/
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