On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 08:03:26AM -0800, Nate Eldredge wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Nov 2009, Alexander Best wrote:
> >ps: would be nice if strcasecmp could protect itself from segfault with 
> >one or
> >both of the args being NULL.
> I disagree.  What do you think it should do instead?  Return 0?  If it 
> did, would you have found your bug?
> The same argument could be made for any of the string.h functions, but I 
> don't think it actually holds water.  Such checks add overhead, and only 
> provide an illusion of safety.  Sure, strcasecmp could avoid causing the 
> segfault itself, but at the cost of letting a broken program continue and 
> possibly cause more damage.  It could call abort(), but then you'd just 
> have the same result (program terminates) with a different signal, and 
> doing your check in software rather than letting the MMU hardware do it. 
> It could print a message, but that pollutes the program's output, and 15 
> seconds debugging the core dump will reveal the problem anyway.
> Having a library function "protect itself" in this manner is not actually 
> helpful, IMHO.

I remember System V to actually map zero page at 0, thus causing
all string functions to behave like it was supplied empty string
when argument is NULL. I believe Solaris still provides the library
that could be LD_PRELOADed for the same effect.

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