Gabor Kovesdan schrieb am 2009-11-09:
> Gabor Kovesdan escribió:
> >Alexander Best escribió:
> >>any thoughts on these small changes to burncd?
> >> -    int nogap = 0, speed = 4 * 177, test_write = 0, force = 0;
> >>+    int nogap = 0, speed = 0, test_write = 0, force = 0;
> >>    int block_size = 0, block_type = 0, cdopen = 0, dvdrw = 0;
> >>    const char *dev;
> >>     if ((dev = getenv("CDROM")) == NULL)
> >>        dev = "/dev/acd0";
> >>+    if ((speed = getenv("SPEED")) == NULL)
> >>+        speed = 4 * 177;
> >>+
> >It seems incorrect. The speed variable is of type int, while getenv
> >returns char *. You should first assign getenv("SPEED") to a char *
> >variable and if it isn't NULL then you should convert it to int or
> >fall back to the default value otherwise.
> And one more thing. Personally, I think that a more
> specific/descriptive name would be better, e.g. BURNCD_SPEED. SPEED
> is just too general.

> --
> Gabor Kovesdan
> FreeBSD Volunteer

> EMAIL: .:|:.
> WEB: .:|:.

thanks for the help. how about this revised patch?

Index: usr.sbin/burncd/burncd.8
--- usr.sbin/burncd/burncd.8    (revision 199064)
+++ usr.sbin/burncd/burncd.8    (working copy)
@@ -164,6 +164,12 @@
 .Fl f
+.Bl -tag -width ".Ev WRITE_SPEED"
+The write speed to use if one is not specified with the
+.Fl s
 .Bl -tag -width ".Pa /dev/acd0"
 .It Pa /dev/acd0
Index: usr.sbin/burncd/burncd.c
--- usr.sbin/burncd/burncd.c    (revision 199064)
+++ usr.sbin/burncd/burncd.c    (working copy)
@@ -80,11 +80,20 @@
        int dao = 0, eject = 0, fixate = 0, list = 0, multi = 0, preemp = 0;
        int nogap = 0, speed = 4 * 177, test_write = 0, force = 0;
        int block_size = 0, block_type = 0, cdopen = 0, dvdrw = 0;
-       const char *dev;
+       const char *dev, *env_speed;
        if ((dev = getenv("CDROM")) == NULL)
                dev = "/dev/acd0";
+       if ((env_speed = getenv("WRITE_SPEED")) != NULL)
+               if (strcasecmp("max", getenv) == 0)
+                       speed = CDR_MAX_SPEED;
+               else
+                       speed = atoi(env_speed) * 177;
+               if (speed <= 0)
+                       errx(EX_USAGE, "Invalid speed: %s", env_speed);
+       }
        while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "def:Flmnpqs:tv")) != -1) {
                switch (ch) {
                case 'd':
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