I don't know anything about the code other than what I read today ...

It appears from you boot traces the owin[0].owin_xlate_[lo | hi] values
should be fine in iq80321.c - an "VERBOSE_INIT_ARM" would confirm it.

You might want to test if the "sc" pointer in iq80321.c has the same value
as the global "i80321_softc" pointer. You can add those print statements 
to an "VERBOSE_INIT_ARM". It will tell you if something changed the global
pointer or if something overwrote the owin values in the structure.

If global pointer or owin was changed before the pci attach code, you
can put the appropriate test into the earlier (obio, uart, itimer, iopwdtimer)
attach. None of these attaches use the global "i80321_softc" pointer.

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