Linda Messerschmidt wrote:
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Ryan Stone<> wrote:
You should be able to run on a windows machine with python
installed.  It works just fine for me on XP.

Don't have any of those either, but I *did* get it working on a Mac
right out of the box.  Should have thought of that sooner. :)

The output looks pretty straightforward, but there are a couple of
things I find odd.

First, there's a point right around what I estimate to be the problem
time where indicates gmond (the Ganglia monitor) was
running uninterrupted for a period of exactly 1 second.  However, it
also indicates that both CPU's idle tasks were *also* running almost
continuously during that time (subject to clock/net interrupts), and
that the run queue on both CPU's was zero for most of that second
while gmond was allegedly running.

I've noticed that schedgraph tends to show the idle threads slightly
skewed one way or the other.  I think there is a cumulative rounding
error in the way they are drawn due to the fact that they are run so
often.  Check the raw data and I think you will find that you just
need to imagine the idle threads slightly to the left or right a bit.
The longer the trace and the further to he right you are looking
the more "out" the idle threads appear to be.

I saw this on both Linux and Mac python implementations.

Second, the interval I graphed was about nine seconds.  During that
time, the PHP command line script made a whole lot of requests: it
usleeps 50ms between requests, and non-broken requests average about
1.4ms.  So even with the stalled request chopping 2 seconds off the
end, there should be somewhere in the neighborhood of 130 requests
during the graphed period.  But that php process doesn't appear in the
schedgraph output at all.

So that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

I'll try to get another trace and see if that happens the same way again.
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