Vincent Hoffman wrote:
Matthew Hagerty wrote:
Bob Bishop wrote:
On 11 Aug 2009, at 04:55, Matthew Hagerty wrote:
I'm trying to get the Wake on Lan feature working on a 7.2-release
box. [etc]
You may need to turn WoL on in the BIOS, have a look in the same
place as the LAN boot settings.
Bob Bishop
I guess I assumed that, since the WoL works with my Intel Pro/100 NIC,
that the APCI and wake-up settings in the BIOS were set correctly. It
is only when I try the Pro/1000 that I'm having problems; and it seems
to be a driver or config issue.
I think you are out of luck as yet. according to
grep -l IFCAP_WOL /usr/src/sys/dev/*/*.c
should get a list of drivers that support WOL.
16:28:19 <~>)
[jh...@crab] 0 $ grep -l IFCAP_WOL /usr/src/sys/dev/*/*.c
(16:28:21 <~>)
[jh...@crab] 0 $ uname -r
The Pro/1000 driver is if_em (or if_igb) So i think you are out of luck
on 7.x
Correct, the stock if_em.c code that comes with 7.2R does not have the
WoL support. However, I'm using the the source code driver from Intel
that does seem to support WoL (see my original post for details). The
Intel provided em driver compiles into a kernel load module, and as far
as I can tell it is being loaded and working just fine; other than the
WoL part.
I was hoping to get some tips on how I might trace through the driver,
add some debug info, run some elite commands that only kernel hackers
know about, etc., to determine why my NIC is not reporting support for
WoL even though the Intel em driver supports it.
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