> >> Internships are an accepted way for a high school or university
> >
> > In America. America imported unpaid apprenticeships & indentured
> > servitude (time limited slavery) from Europe/Britain centuries ago.
> Take this somewhere else, it's getting boring. Grown-ups should know
> what they're doing without your protection and the rest might learn
> a bit on their own.

You'r right on adults & free choice, I'll drop that rather than drift.
What I was trying to illustrate is what jobs@ censors pass & block.
   - jobs@ is censored, so jobs@ censors performance cant be discussed on j...@.
   - Those that pushed to censor jobs@ some years ago (& succesors?)
     are not worth having, j...@freebsd would be better without them.
   - Censors of jobs@ do not have the courage to announce on footer or 
     header of jobs@ that they censor j...@freebsd.
   - Most don't know j...@freebsd Is censored.
     Most think only announce@ is moderated , & maybe a...@.  
   - Moving to chat@ is for things that drift off from FreeSBD, but
     FreeBSD censorship Is relevant to FreeBSD, 
   - Where better than hackers@ to look for support to liberate
     j...@freebsd from censors ?

Julian Stacey: BSDUnixLinux C Prog Admin SysEng Consult Munich www.berklix.com
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