On Fri, 27 Mar 2009, Scott Long wrote:

I've been talking about this for years. All I need is help with the VM magic to create the page on fork. I also want two pages, one global for gettimeofday (and any other global data we can think of) and one per-process for static data like getpid/getgid.

One note though -- the time to do the global page is at execve()-time.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge


Sergey Babkin wrote:
   (Sorry for the top quoting). Probably the best implementation of
   gettimeofd=y() is to have
   a page in the kernel mapped read-only to all the user pr=cesses. Put
   the kernel's idea of time
   into this page. Then getting the =ime becomes a simple read (OK, two
   reads, to make sure that
   no update =as happened in between).
   The TSC can then be used to add the precis=on between the ticks of
   the kernel timer:
   i.e. remember the value of TS= when the last tick happen, and the
   highest rate at which
   TSC may be ti=king at this CPU, and export in the same page. This
   would guarantee thatthe time is not moving back.
   However there are more issues with TS=. TSC is guaranteed to have
   the same value
   on all the processors that s=are the same system bus. But if the
   machine is built of multiple
   buses =ith bridges between them, all bets are off. Each bus may be
   stopped, resta=ted
   and clocked separately. There is no way to tell, on which CPU is th=
   process currently
   runnning, and it may be rescheduled do a different C=U right before
   or after the RDTSC
   Ma= 26, 2009 06:55:04 PM, [1]...@phk.freebsd.dk wrote:
In message <[2]17560ccf0903260551v1f5cba9eu8 7727c0bae7b...@mail.gmail.com>, Prasha
     nt Vaibhav writes:
     =The gettimeofday() function's implementation will then be
     >change= to read the timestamp counter (TSC) from the processor,
     and use the
     &g=;reading in conjunction with the timing info exported by the
     kernel to
     =calculate and return the time info in proper format.
     I take it a= read, that you know that there are other relvant
     functions than gettim=ofday() and that these must provide a
     monotonic timescale when queried =nterleaved ?
     Be aware that the TSC may not be, and may not stay syn=hronized
     across multiple cores.
     Further more, the TSC is not con=tant frequency and in particular
     not "known frequency" at all times.
     There are a lot of nasty cases to check, and a nasty interpolation
     =equired, which, in my tests some years back, totally negated any
     speedu= from using the TSC in the first place.
     At the very minimum, you wi=l have to add a quirk table where
     known good {CPU+MOBO+BIOS} combinatio=s can be entered, as we
     find them.
     >This will also pave way f=r optionally making the
     >FreeBSD kernel tickless,
     Rubbish. T=mecounters are not even closely associated with the
     tick or ticklessnes= of the kernel. [1]
     > - The TSC frequency might change on cert=in processors with
     > TSC rate (because of SpeedStep, =ynamic freq scaling etc.). The
     only way to
     > combat this is that t=e kernel be notified every time the
     > frequency changes.=very cpu frequency driver will need to be
     updated to
     > notify the=ernel before and after a cpu freq change.
     That is not good enough= the bios may autonomously change the cpu
     and the skew from not k=owing exactly _when_ and _how_ the cpu
     changed, is a significant =umber of microseconds, plenty of time
     to make strange things happen.
     You will want to study carefully Dave Mills work to tame the alpha
     =hips wandering SAW clocks.
     [1] In my mind, rewo=king the callout system in the kernel would
     be a much better more neded=nd much more worthwhile project.
     Poul-Henning Kamp | =NIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
     [3]...@freebsd.org | TCP=IP since RFC 956
     FreeBSD committer | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
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