On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Tim Kientzle <kient...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> Robert Watson wrote:
>> On Wed, 25 Feb 2009, Tim Kientzle wrote:
>>>> I have not gone through the process scheduler code of Free BSD. Hence, I
>>>> am not yet aware about the current support for Multicore Architectures.
>>> Since you posted to a lot of different lists, I think you probably don't
>>> already use FreeBSD. (If you did, why would you post to NetBSD and
>>> DragonflyBSD lists?)  Scheduler work is quite complex and interacts heavily
>>> with the rest of the system; it may not be a good choice for someone who
>>> doesn't already have a lot of experience with FreeBSD.
>> All the things you say are true, but let's not be too hard on the new guy,
>> however -- many of our GSoC students don't have previous FreeBSD
>> kernel-hacking experience.  However, it does mean that they have to pick
>> project ideas that are well-suited to a significant warmup and investigation
>> period on the front end of the project.
> I apologize to Siddharth and others if I came off overly
> harsh.  My intention was to caution him that he should
> plan for a lot of work prior to GSoC if he wants to
> tackle something that's at the core of the OS like this.
>> I'm also not convinced that a scheduler project along these lines would be
>> the most successful, but I wonder if a more experimental-spin proposal for
>> looking at how to investigate poor scheduling decisions using dtrace,
>> instrumentation and metrics to help us understand performance on NUMA
>> systems, and exploring the impact of heuristics might go a long way.
> That's a good idea.  The thing that's always impressed
> me about scheduling work is how very difficult it is to
> test.  It's easy to change the scheduler code; it's
> much harder to measure whether those changes have
> made the scheduler better or not.
> Some testing support would help.  Ideally, something
> non-intrusive that could be easily run on a lot
> of different machines so as to collect better information
> about the impacts of scheduler changes:
>  * Load balancing:  How effectively are all cores being used?
>  * CPU switching:  What percentage of the time does a thread
> stay on the same core?
>  * NUMA statistics:  How often does a thread get scheduled on a different
> processor from it's allocated memory?
>  * Priority inversion:  How often is a higher-priority thread
> idle while a lower-priority thread is running?
> A student who built such a tool and then ran some tests
> with a variety of hardware and workloads could really
> do a lot to advance scheduler development.  Eventually,
> turning such a tool into something that anyone could run
> and upload data to a central collection site could be
> a huge advance.

Speaking from experience, this is the way to go. If you don't do this
you'll end up producing a potential black hole in terms of time and
resources, which doesn't help your reputation on the project.

Some food for thought.

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