On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 05:25:26PM +0100, Fernando Apestegu?a wrote:
> Hi all,
> I copy here the mail I sent to freebsd-questions cause I didn't get any 
> answers:
> Yesterday I updated to 7.1-p3 on AMD64 arch.
> Since then, the NIC is not detected anymore. ifconfig doesn't show it
> and I can't connect to the Internet.
> There were well-known issues with this NIC model before,
> (http://unix.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/FreeBSD/hackers/2008-11/msg00299.html)
>  but the weird thing is that it seemed to be fine with
> 7.1-RELEASE and newer till this -p3.
> It doesn't recognize the card in 4/5 boot sequences (really annoying).
> Anybody with this problem?

I'm not sure you're suffering from MAC power saving issue of
RealTek PCIe controller. Sometimes re(4) used to fail to wakeup the
controller which in turn resulted in 'no driver' for the
controller. If this is the case you can see "MII without any phy!"
message in dmesg output.
r188358(cvs if_re.c should fix the issue so please try
latest 7-stable or copy if_re.c, if_rlreg.h and if_rl.c from HEAD/
7-stable to your 7.1-RELEASE box and rebuild kernel.
If you still see the same issue please let me know.

Btw, stable@ is more appropriate list for this type of issues.

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