Mike Meyer wrote:
 > I'm curious - is there a reason that the numbers from the old screen
 > have turned into function keys on this one?

No.  That screen shot is an old one.  In the current code,
the number keys are used as usual, no function keys.

In fact, it is not possible to use function keys from the
FORTH code without resorting to dirty hacks.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606,  Geschäftsfuehrung:
secnetix Verwaltungsgesellsch. mbH, Handelsregister: Registergericht Mün-
chen, HRB 125758,  Geschäftsführer: Maik Bachmann, Olaf Erb, Ralf Gebhart

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