
I'm using the amd to mount CDFS and MSDOSFS on USB without any kind of
problems for years; now I formated a new USB key with UFS, added the
config in amd's map and encounter that it does not unmount the file
system after the configured time of 20 secs:
any idea? thanks in advance;



# cat /etc/amdmaps/amd.ufs
ufs           type:=ufs;fs:=/mnt/ufs;dev:=/dev/da0s1a;opts:=rw

# tail -f /var/log/amd
Oct 30 12:06:04 rebelion amd[23331]/info:  /f: disabling nfs congestion window
Oct 30 12:06:04 rebelion amd[23328]/info:  initializing amd.conf map 
/etc/amdmaps/amd.usb of type file
Oct 30 12:06:04 rebelion amd[23328]/info:  first time load of map 
/etc/amdmaps/amd.usb succeeded
Oct 30 12:06:04 rebelion amd[23328]/info:  /etc/amdmaps/amd.usb mounted fstype 
toplvl on /u
Oct 30 12:06:04 rebelion amd[23328]/info:  initializing amd.conf map 
/etc/amdmaps/amd.cdrom of type file
Oct 30 12:06:04 rebelion amd[23328]/info:  first time load of map 
/etc/amdmaps/amd.cdrom succeeded
Oct 30 12:06:04 rebelion amd[23328]/info:  /etc/amdmaps/amd.cdrom mounted 
fstype toplvl on /a
Oct 30 12:06:04 rebelion amd[23328]/info:  initializing amd.conf map 
/etc/amdmaps/amd.ufs of type file
Oct 30 12:06:04 rebelion amd[23328]/info:  first time load of map 
/etc/amdmaps/amd.ufs succeeded
Oct 30 12:06:04 rebelion amd[23328]/info:  /etc/amdmaps/amd.ufs mounted fstype 
toplvl on /f

entering the dir /f/ufs mounts the FS:

Oct 30 12:08:02 rebelion amd[23328]/map:   Trying mount of /dev/da0s1a on 
/f/usf fstype ufs
Oct 30 12:08:02 rebelion amd[23328]/info:  /dev/da0s1a mounted fstype ufs on 

here another example of entering /a/cdrom which gets unmounted after 20

Oct 30 12:54:49 rebelion amd[23328]/map:   Trying mount of /dev/acd0 on 
/a/cdrom fstype cdfs
Oct 30 12:54:50 rebelion amd[23328]/error: /cdrom: mount: Input/output error
Oct 30 12:54:50 rebelion amd[23328]/error: mount_cdfs: Input/output error
Oct 30 12:54:59 rebelion amd[23328]/map:   Trying mount of /dev/acd0 on 
/a/cdrom fstype cdfs
Oct 30 12:55:00 rebelion amd[23328]/info:  /dev/acd0 mounted fstype cdfs on 
Oct 30 12:55:20 rebelion amd[23328]/info:  /dev/acd0 unmounted fstype cdfs from 

the UFS stays mounted forever:

$ mount
/dev/ad4s1a on / (ufs, local)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local)
/dev/ad4s1e on /tmp (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad4s1f on /usr (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad4s1d on /var (ufs, local, soft-updates)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/u on /u (nfs)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/a on /a (nfs)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/f on /f (nfs)
/dev/da0s1a on /mnt/ufs (ufs, local)

a umount by hand helps:

# umount /mnt/ufs
# mount
/dev/ad4s1a on / (ufs, local)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local)
/dev/ad4s1e on /tmp (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad4s1f on /usr (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad4s1d on /var (ufs, local, soft-updates)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/u on /u (nfs)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/a on /a (nfs)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/f on /f (nfs)

Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
Gruenwalder Weg 28g - 82041 Oberhaching - Germany
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - w http://www.oclc.org/ http://www.UnixArea.de/
b http://gurucubano.blogspot.com/
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