
On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 2:36 PM, Stefan Lambrev
>>> First let me reiterate a few things. I started in FreeBSD and it will
>>> always be my first love. Second, keep in mind that Solaris is a
>>> commercial
>>> product and must be viewed as such.
>>  Good point. Like it happened in the Linux world, we should also have
>> some commercially backed versions of [Free]BSD in order to get better
>> visibility and business support (which, in the end, counts a lot).
>> That's why I've been thinking for some time about starting up the
>> EnterpriseBSD project (see http://launchpad.net/enterprisebsd). I
>> believe PC-BSD is a good start for the desktop.
> There is commercial support for FreeBSD out there.
> Actually the problem is that misinformed people are still spreading the lie
> that there is not...

OK, I will reword that a bit: I believe having also a "business" face
for the business market will help a lot in increasing visibility.

> Also the example with Linux is very bad, where you have a "stable" version
> only in enterprise RH or SuSe
> and the vanilla kernel is only for development and beta testing .. I do not
> want to see this happens to FreeBSD

 I'm not sure where is that remark headed to. And I don't think
(re)packaging a business-centric version would harm -- please correct
me if I'm wrong.

>>  While we're at it, I wish we could leverage the posibility for the
>> admin to manually start the service at the CLI, no matter whether the
>> service has been enabled or not -- that is the "<svc>_enable" keyword
>> should have effect only in the bootup/automatic contexts.
> Like keywords - forcestart forcerestart forcestop ?!?!

Yes, I am always reminded of that :).
Well, to tell you the truth, I do not know of any other OS which
requires prefixing with "force" the start/stop actions in order to act
on the service at the command line, and personally I wish it weren't
the case.

>>> I think a drop-in command like "rcadm" (someone mentioned this as an
>>> idea,
>>> but cant remember who) would be a good start for managing the states of
>>> services. Mike Meyer also brought up many good points that I agree with.
>>> Please try not to get caught up in the XML stuff, that is not a
>>> requirement or suggestion, it is just an example of how Sun did it, now
>>> how FreeBSD has to;)
>>> Someone recommended Puppet, but this is an entire framework that would
>>> have to be added/implemented and configured to work with FreeBSD as well
>>> as learning a new markup language for it. launchd has a lot of good
>>> ideas,
>>> but I am not sure how mature it is yet; maybe it is a good place to
>>> start.
>> Let's put another name on the table: Upstart (upstart.ubuntu.com).
>> It's quite fast.
> Some of us use FreeBSD because we think this is the proper way things to be
> done, if we want another linux distro we may switch to *buntu ..

 Oh, we are debating here, not imposing personal preferences :).
 Good ideas can come up from any direction, it's up to us whether we
want to learn from them.

>>> If we start with the basics and break it down and program this from a
>>> modular standpoint it is not so bad. Begin with the basic (high-level)
>>> approach. A shell script (service) that is aware of where rc scripts are
>>> located and that can keep track of what the current state of the services
>>> (PID's) are. An enable/disable command is nothing more that throwing a
>>> start/stop command to these rc files. The rc.conf can assist with knowing
>>> what should be enabled/disabled and what flags to throw at it. For
>>> EXAMPLE!!!!, (you got that, example only) Solaris uses one master service
>>> that is started first, and the whole point of that first service is to
>>> monitor the other services and know what state they are in and starts
>>> dependent services upon boot. Consider it the service manager almost.
>> That would very important to for service crash recovery, to keep
>> critical services running.
> Looks like we are reinventing inetd ?

 Inetd is only for multiplexing seldomly used network services bound
to specific ports -- not too many real-life services fall under this
exact specification.

>> Side note:what about starting up and monitoring services in jails,
>> probably we'd need one such master service per jail ?
> Like inetd running in jail ?
>> My 5cents,
> Overpriced ;) and good luck with enterprisebsd

 Well, that was usually conceived as a contribution, not a price.
Ideas are free anyway ;).

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