On Sunday 18 May 2008, Beech Rintoul said:
> On Sunday 18 May 2008, Beech Rintoul said:
> > This copytree code is from bsd.port.mk, and I've been asked to
> > try and find a fix. This is very handy for installing a whole
> > tree (like a web app) keeping everything intact. It wasn't
> > designed to copy to a populated directory so it affects
> > everything in that dir, not just what's being installed. We need
> > to keep it's
> > functionality, but a fix is more than I can come up with. So I
> > thought I'd ask you code gurus to help. If this can be fixed many
> > will thank you!
> >
> > I attached it so it won't get line wrapped.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Beech
> Looks like it got stripped off, so I posted it here:
> http://www.alaskaparadise.com/freebsd/copytree_code

I'd just like to thank stas@ and everyone who replied with 
suggestions, code etc. I believe that I now have something workable 
and it's been submitted to portmgr for review and possible inclusion 
in bsd.port.mk along with some new features of my own. Hopefully, 
this will fix a long standing problem with copytree_*.

Once again thanks all :-)


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