On Fri, 4 Jul 2008 14:42:27 +0200
Matthias Apitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm running a RELENG_7 kernel and a userland as 7.0-REL on one of my
> laptops; I've been asked to check if a given driver problem in RELENG_7 is as
> well with HEAD... can I update the kernel to HEAD and let the userland
> (and all my compiled ports) as 7.0-REL; I know that this is not the
> intention, but it would cost me a lot of work if I should compile as
> well ~200 ports....

Theoretically it should work.  It's not necessary to overwrite your current
kernel.  You can do something like this, which is what I do to test kernels.

cd /usr/src;make -s installkernel KODIR=/boot/test;cd
nextboot -k test

This does a one-time start using the test kernel under /boot/test.

Your other option is to describe the problem and ask if anyone using
8-current has encountered it.

Gary Jennejohn
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