On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 03:38:54PM -0500, Joshua Isom wrote:
> The man page for indent does say "it has a 'forgiving' parser" so I 
> don't see why it can't just treat any token starting with a zero as 
> special, treat 0b01, 0x0A, 0f4 and 010 as a number regardless of the 
> base, even if it doesn't know the base.

I think indent(1) has to check the base in order to split tokens
consistently.  Consider the following statements:

read          | write         | description
42            | 42            | Decimal
42e+3         | 42e+3         | Decimal
042           | 042           | Octal
042e+3        | 042e+3        | Octal?? gcc compiles this but the result
              |               |         looks strange...
0x42          | 0x42          | Hexadecimal
0x42e+3       | 0x42e + 3     | Hexadecimal + Decimal

IMHO, checking numbers base is a requirement for splitting tokens


Romain Tartière <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://romain.blogreen.org/
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