On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 2:47 PM, Ryan French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
>  My name is Ryan French. I am a Google Summer of Code participant this year, 
> and for my project I will be implementing MPLS in FreeBSD. I am in my 5th 
> year of university at the University of Waikato in New Zealand, and this year 
> I am working on obtaining my PostGraduate Diploma in Computer Science 
> (equivalent to the first year of a masters degree). I'm really looking 
> forward to working on this project, as it is also part of my coursework for 
> this year. I'm still in the process of getting through all the introduction 
> stuff to the GSoC, but once that has been done I'm going to continue working 
> on this project and hopefully come up with something that I can be real proud 
> of over the next few months.

Hi Ryan,

Congratulations on being selected as a participant :-)

I have a friend, Nuno Antunes, that started implementing MPLS in
FreeBSD but then he went to the dark side (kidding) and continued the
work on DragonFlyBSD.
I talked to him today after seeing your application being selected to
know how far he went.
He based his work on the ayame project and nist switch and he has a
semi functional patch here:
The sad news is that he doesn't have time to continue the
implementation, so I'm hopping you make us all proud ;-)

Joao Barros
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