--- Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:18:56 -0700 (PDT)
> Patrick Dung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 3. Support LDAP SSO out of the box
> > 
> > Linux/Solaris/AIX have native LDAP SSO support.
> > I have asked about this feature before.
> >
> > The problem is whether it should integrate OpenLDAP to base system.
> Why OpenLDAP? Why not one of the other ldap implementations available
> in the ports? In particular, do any of them already have plugins for
> use with pam?

OpenLDAP, nss_ldap, pam_ldap should be the stable.
It was around for years and most Linux distro come with it.

For Solaris, it comes with Sun Microsystems implementation of LDAP

> > BTW, I see ISC Bind, Sendmail and Amd automounter is in base.
> Yes, but you're asking to move a major chunk of functionality into
> the
> base from ports. That doesn't really happen very often, for lots of
> good reasons. Those reasons are often used to suggest that the
> packages you just named be moved *out* of the base system, but that's
> not much easier than moving things into it.
> The other issue is - well, how much use is this for ports? After all,
> most of the servers you're going to install come from ports, so if
> they don't play here, then there's not much of a win.

In the past, in my University.
There are several computer labs. They run around 200 Solaris and Linux
I guess the total number of students in the faculty is around a
Of course LDAP SSO comes into play.

> > 4. LVM and file systems
> > As of FreeBSD 7.0, ZFS is ported.
> > This is great as FreeBSD do not have LVM in the past.
> True, there's no "volume manager" per se. On the other hand, most of
> the functionality provided by a volume manager is available through
> the geom system. Frankly, geom is a lot saner than the volume
> managers
> I've dealt with.
> > I am sure there is still room for improvement.
> > For example: ZFS/UFS shrink support, native file system journaling.
> Um, is something wrong with gjournal? Or for that matter, soft
> updates
> (which solve the same problem that journaling does, only with lower
> overhead)? 
> FreeBSD is an open source, volunteer driven project. A list of "nice
> to haves" is cool for your personal use, but if you want to actually
> make any of them happen, then you're the best person to do
> that. Either start coding yourself, or convince somebody else to do
> it
> (and you'll find cash offers work fairly well). Even then, it may not
> make it into the base system. Being available as a port is often
> considered sufficient, or it may be that your changes aren't
> considered appropriate for some other reason, like duplicating
> functionality that already exists.
>       <mike
> -- 
> Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                
> http://www.mired.org/consulting.html
> Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more
> information.
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