Andriy Gapon wrote:
on 20/02/2008 20:33 Andriy Gapon said the following:
on 19/02/2008 23:42 Andriy Gapon said the following:
The last result most probably means that RTC IRQ was not the interrupt
to wake CPU from sleeping state.
The first possibility that comes to mind is that on this particular
hardware RTC interrupt (IRQ8) is not able to wake the system from C2 state.
So it seems that this was true.
Here's a shortcut to the relevant info:
PIIX4E (FW82371EB) specification
DEVACTB — DEVICE ACTIVITY B (FUNCTION 3) pci register description
BRLD_EN_IRQ8, bit 5

$ pciconf -r pci0:0:7:3 0x58

Attached is a patch that fixes the issue for me (without any
side-effects) and should not cause any harm for others.

I committed your patch. Thanks!

Rui Paulo
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