On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 02:00:47AM +0200, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> > Most tools seem to insist on trying to import the whole history of a        
> >                                                
> > CVS repository before they let you start doing any work in the newly        
> >                                                
> > converted repository. All conversion tools I've tried failed converting     
> >                                                
> > the FreeBSD repository.                                                     
> >                                                
> Not really.  You can keep 'importing' snapshots of the src tree from any      
> arbitrary CVS branch, if you are willing to wait until CVS checks out         
> the first copy of the snapshot.                                               

Yes, sure. As described I eventually got around to use a cvs working
copy as a base for importing snapshots of FreeBSD code as well.

What would be nicer though would be something that could be pointed
at the RCS files in the CVS repo to do the same, i.e. skip the working
copy step.

That's what I was looking for, also because of pure technical interest.
But it's clear that from a functional point of view a script achieves the
same thing just fine, albeit it's slower and wastes a bit of disk space.

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