Hi Antony,

On Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 09:36:19AM +1100, Antony Mawer wrote :
> Every time this comes up it's branded with the "really hard to fix"
> message, but I seem to recall the last time this came up Matt Dillon
> chimed in and said he'd managed to fix it in Dragonfly without too
> much pain.
> I had a browse back a while ago at the commits on DF to try and
> pinpoint the changes that were required to see how practical they were
> to bring across to FreeBSD; I don't profess to be an expert and have
> yet to investigate the changes in any detail, but these were the
> commits I identified:
>     http://freshbsd.org/2007/06/14/03/55/27
>     http://freshbsd.org/2007/06/17/06/08/52
>     http://freshbsd.org/2007/06/14/02/09/30
>     http://freshbsd.org/2007/06/13/21/58/38
>     http://freshbsd.org/2007/06/13/21/53/39
> If someone else is interested in looking at this, it may provide a
> useful starting point...

First of all, I am not a FreeBSD kernel hacker and thus maybe I am wrong
but I think that it is important to recall that DragonflyBSD is ``the
logical continuation of the FreeBSD 4.x series'' [1].  As so, it does
not provides geom(8) [2], AFAIK.  While geom(8) is a really cool piece
of code, it also adds many abstraction layers that may have to be
adapted to handle such an abnormal situation.  This might explain why
nobody has already [tried to] fixed this.

Maybe somebody from geom@ can give us further details or correct what I

Best regards,

  1. http://www.dragonflybsd.org/about/history.shtml
  2. http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=geom

Romain Tartière <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://romain.blogreen.org/
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