On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 09:16:59PM -0500, M E wrote:
> Hello Stefan,


I'm Cc'ing hackers@ in my reply to your mail so people can
overhear this conversation. It would be great to get some help.

> I am able to get "will wake on: magic", when typing "ifconfig" in
> FreeNAS (built on FreeBSD); however, I am still unable to wake up the
> box.

I know that xl does not work yet.

The driver hears you requesting WOL and internally makes a note
to configure WOL at shutdown time. But configuring the device
for WOL does not work correctly for some reason. I haven't yet
figured out what exactly the problem is, even with looking at the specs.

> The NIC is a 3Com EtherLink
> XL 10/100 PCI For Complete PC Management NIC (3C905C-TX).

I've found 3 spare ones of those at uni I could bring home to test with.

There have been requests for fxp (Intel) support, too, and by
accident I also found one of those cards at uni in a spare server
no one was using.

But the hard disk in my development box is dying, I have to get it
replaced. And my desktop got a new motherboard a while ago. The old
one had bad capacitors, it was totally unstable so I returned it.
I only later realised that the new one has no WOL connector! Doh!

So now I finally have some cards, but no hardware to use them with.
It used to be the other way around for like a year or more.
Meh :-/

I need to find some time to buy a disk and set up my dev box again
before I can continue working on this.

> Do you have any sugestions?

My free time is scarce at the moment. More eyes and brains to throw
at the problem would really, really help.

There are data sheets for 3com cards at http://people.freebsd.org/~wpaul/3Com/

If someone found something obviously wrong in the xl_enable_wol()
routine it would help an awful lot. I already went over it twice
but I cannot find the error. It could also be something else the
driver is doing behind my back that prevents WOL from working.
I'm not experienced enough in device drivers to really understand
all the subtleties of the whole thing.

For those who don't know, the WOL patch is here: http://stsp.name/wol/

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