
The question first: init does allow a chroot before booting the system however 
does it allow the first device to be unmounted and use the new chroot as the 
root device.  If it does how can that be achieved.  

My motivation for this: Allow a USB device or CDROM to boot the system, then 
init running of the removable device to execute a script that will allow the 
system to be setup (such as configure devices, setup gdbe and geli, etc) then 
when init chroot's it unmounts the removable device and allows that device to 
be physically removed.  

I have some project ideas (due to lack of technical skills I can not pursue 
them at this time but that is no reason not to share :-).  If someone thinks 
an idea is a good one could you please add it to the appropriate location 
(the volunteer projects page???).  My ideas:

1) Automatic module loading.  Create a discovery system that upon identifying 
hardware that a module supports, loads the module.  This would probably be a 
user-land implementation? 
        Motivation: Additional ease of use (especially with sound)

2) Automatic kernel customisation.  A tool that builds a custom kernel with 
all the devices for the current system builtin and with everything not needed 
        Motivation: Take the hard work out of building a custom kernel]

3) If question above is not implemented than add to idea list...

Feedback is welcome.  Thank you for listening to me.  

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