On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 04:05:28PM +0200, Giulio Ferro wrote:
>  Remko Lodder wrote:
> > without that, do notice that people do this in their own free time, which
> > could either take some time before it's there, or might not be interesting
> > enough to work on currently (because of other things at work, private life
> > other code etc).
> >
> >   
>  To say that there isn't enough interest in the nvidia driver would
>  be outrageous. The lack of a amd64 nvidia driver currently the first
>  cause that makes desktop users like myself prefer other operating
>  systems to freebsd. I'm still using fb, of course, because on the whole
>  it's still worth it. But I'm not happy about it (the nv driver doesn't work
>  on the 8600M GT, so I'm forced to use the dumb vesa driver)...
>  There's a lot of projects going on, and I appreciate it, but I can't help
>  thinking that maybe some developers should consider this a priority as much
>  as many of us users do...

Well the problem here imo (I am speaking for myself here, as well as in my
previous reply) is that -you- cannot set the priorities for our developers
unless you pay the developer to just that what you want to have. For you the
AMD64 driver of the Nvidia GPU's might be interesting for someone else it
isn't, you might or might not like that but interests can go a whole round
and every step in that circle means a different interest.

You and indeed a lot of others think it would be beneficial to have, but
so far nobody stepped up who had enough time or interest or whatever to
do this, if you all make a bounty for this or try something else to get
this covered, I am pretty sure at least someone will do it (sometime).

It's unfair from you to -demand- something from a volunteer project with
software that you are free to use, or rather from developers' free time
while you are seemingly not willing to spend your own free time on it
(I would get the same reponse from you if I were to ask you to paint my
entire house for nothing (and you are the one paying for the paint)
where the house is a huge castle).

So, if you want this really bad, and others as well, consider my above
reasoning, till that time, we (including myself indeed) can only hope that
at some point somebody has enough time and interest to start and finish
this project.


Kind regards,

     Remko Lodder               ** [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     FreeBSD                    ** [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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