James Gritton wrote:
Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:
Something like this:
I did it some time ago, and this is one of the feature for new jail
implementation with is beeing designed
Yes, that's just the thing I'm talking about, so it looks like I have 
indeed be reinventing something.  (The jail scheduling work of cdjones 
it something else I'm interested in, but for another time).
Now the question becomes: how much jail work is out there, and what's 
the likelihood is it seeing the light of day in a released kernel?  I 
hate to be going about coding stuff that's been done before (well, 
actually I enjoy coding it but you know...), but I only ever see 
snippets of jail work mentioned here and there and nothing ever seems to 
get anywhere official.  I figured the place to talk about this was the 
freebsd-jail mailing list, but it seems to be mostly for stuff like 
"getting app X to work in a jail" or "the current jail rc scripts have 
this or that deficiency."  That's why I cross-mailed to freebsd-hackers 
- maybe more appropriate there?
Where's the secret place people really go to communicate this kind of 
thing?  I've done a lot of work in the general jail-like area, and while 
much of it it the same as others' I'd like to share what isn't.  Of 
course, with other people's jail-related projects staying on the 
sidelines so long - and that by those with "@freebsd.org" stature - one 
wonders if there's a point.  I don't mean to sound down on anything, 
just wondering what the state of the "jail community" is.  Or where it is.

please please please familiarise yourself with the Vimage code that Marko Zec is working on.
It is  a superset of jails and all future virtualisation work at this level
(as oppposed to Xen or vmware etc.) should be done in co-operation so that a generic framework is used. marko has done some of this already and his
code utilises some of the existing Jail frameowork.

- Jamie
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