On Tue, May 15, 2007 at 01:08:03AM -0700, Garrett Cooper wrote:
> Sorry for all you Java lovers out there.. it's just that from where I'm 
> at I don't see anyone using it in the workplace (Intel). We're all using 
> C/C++/Perl, with occasional spots of Ruby/Python.
We use Java almost exclusively (Oracle), although scattered bits of Python
and occasional C/C++ thru JNI.

Not to start a flame war, but I much prefer Java and I know a lot of other
corporations are using it as well (just do a search for "software engineer"
on any job site, and count the Java hits vs. C++).

Also, Java outperforms Python/Ruby/Perl on all string manipulations from
our extensive tests.  However, my group likes the philosophies behind Ruby
and likes the rapid development of Python when we need a scripting

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