On Fri, 30 Mar 2007, David E. Cross wrote:

I recently ran into a problem where the 32bit JVM won't run on a 64bit host. I, and at least one other person in -java thinks it has to do with 32 bit KSE on a 64bit kernel (I have a vague memory on this somewheres WAY back). Is this still the issue? Could someone point me in the general direction of the specifics of the problem (if they exist, if not, I may try to create a simpler test case then java)?

I tried a few searches, but nothing matching what I remembered came up.

No, you can't run 32-bit libpthread on 64-bit kernel.  There
are no compatiblity hooks in the kernel to handle 32-bit kse
interfaces.  It is really too messy to provide it.

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