Hi there,
sorry for cross posting: I realized that this could be of interest for
freebsd-hackers@ too (and I'm likely to get an answer from you, too).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pietro Cerutti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mar 6, 2007 6:44 PM
Subject: which modules are mandatory?
To: freebsd-bluetooth@freebsd.org

Hi list,
I have this built-in bluetooth dongle on my laptop:

ubt0: vendor 0x0a12 product 0x0001, rev 2.00/15.93, addr 2
ubt0: vendor 0x0a12 product 0x0001, rev 2.00/15.93, addr 2
ubt0: Interface 0 endpoints: interrupt=0x81, bulk-in=0x82, bulk-out=0x2
ubt0: Interface 1 (alt.config 5) endpoints: isoc-in=0x83,
isoc-out=0x3; wMaxPacketSize=49; nframes=6, buffer size=294

My laptop is a MSI-1034
but unfortunately the manufacturer doesn't give many information about
the bluetooth device.

I would like to keep my kernel at a minimum, and thus I'd like to know
which parts of it should be built in order for bluetooth to work.

The thing that's misleading me is the following:
if I compile my kernel with only the /sys/modules/netgraph/netgraph
and /sys/modules/netgraph/bluetooth modules, I get the following error
while trying to enable bluetooth:

# sh -x /etc/rc.bluetooth start ubt0
+ logger=/usr/bin/logger -i -s -p user.err
+ kldstat=/sbin/kldstat
+ kldload=/sbin/kldload
+ sysctl=/sbin/sysctl
+ ngctl=/usr/sbin/ngctl
+ hcseriald=/usr/sbin/hcseriald
+ hccontrol=/usr/sbin/hccontrol
+ hci_debug_level=3
+ l2cap_debug_level=3
+ [ 2 -lt 2 ]
+ startstop=start
+ shift
+ dev=ubt0
+ shift
+ load_module ng_bluetooth
+ module=ng_bluetooth
+ shift
+ /sbin/kldstat -n ng_bluetooth
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ load_module ng_hci
+ module=ng_hci
+ shift
+ /sbin/kldstat -n ng_hci
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ load_module ng_l2cap
+ module=ng_l2cap
+ shift
+ /sbin/kldstat -n ng_l2cap
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ load_module ng_btsocket
+ module=ng_btsocket
+ shift
+ /sbin/kldstat -n ng_btsocket
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ /etc/rc.bluetooth stop ubt0
+ hook=hook
+ expr ubt0 : ubt\([0-9]\{1,\}\)
+ unit=0
+ [ -z 0 ]
+ setup_stack ubt0 hook
+ dev=ubt0
+ shift
+ hook=hook
+ shift
+ /usr/sbin/ngctl mkpeer ubt0: hci hook drv
ngctl: can't create node: No such file or directory
+ exit 1

On the other hand, if I compile and install the whole
/sys/modules/netgraph directory, the output is the following, and
bluetooth works like a charm!

# sh -x /etc/rc.bluetooth start ubt0

+ logger=/usr/bin/logger -i -s -p user.err
+ kldstat=/sbin/kldstat
+ kldload=/sbin/kldload
+ sysctl=/sbin/sysctl
+ ngctl=/usr/sbin/ngctl
+ hcseriald=/usr/sbin/hcseriald
+ hccontrol=/usr/sbin/hccontrol
+ hci_debug_level=3
+ l2cap_debug_level=3
+ [ 2 -lt 2 ]
+ startstop=start
+ shift
+ dev=ubt0
+ shift
+ load_module ng_bluetooth
+ module=ng_bluetooth
+ shift
+ /sbin/kldstat -n ng_bluetooth
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ load_module ng_hci
+ module=ng_hci
+ shift
+ /sbin/kldstat -n ng_hci
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ load_module ng_l2cap
+ module=ng_l2cap
+ shift
+ /sbin/kldstat -n ng_l2cap
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ load_module ng_btsocket
+ module=ng_btsocket
+ shift
+ /sbin/kldstat -n ng_btsocket
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ /etc/rc.bluetooth stop ubt0
+ hook=hook
+ expr ubt0 : ubt\([0-9]\{1,\}\)
+ unit=0
+ [ -z 0 ]
+ setup_stack ubt0 hook
+ dev=ubt0
+ shift
+ hook=hook
+ shift
+ /usr/sbin/ngctl mkpeer ubt0: hci hook drv
+ /usr/sbin/ngctl name ubt0:hook ubt0hci
+ /usr/sbin/ngctl msg ubt0hci: set_debug 3
+ /usr/sbin/ngctl mkpeer ubt0hci: l2cap acl hci
+ /usr/sbin/ngctl name ubt0hci:acl ubt0l2cap
+ /usr/sbin/ngctl msg ubt0l2cap: set_debug 3
+ /usr/sbin/ngctl connect ubt0hci: btsock_hci_raw: raw ubt0raw
+ /usr/sbin/ngctl connect ubt0l2cap: btsock_l2c_raw: ctl ubt0ctl
+ /usr/sbin/ngctl connect ubt0l2cap: btsock_l2c: l2c ubt0l2c
+ /usr/sbin/hccontrol -n ubt0hci reset
+ /usr/sbin/hccontrol -n ubt0hci read_bd_addr
BD_ADDR: 00:0d:f0:2d:1d:e9
+ /usr/sbin/hccontrol -n ubt0hci read_local_supported_features
Features: 0xff 0xff 0x8f 0xf8 0x18 0x18 00 0x80
<3-Slot> <5-Slot> <Encryption> <Slot offset>
<Timing accuracy> <Switch> <Hold mode> <Sniff mode>
<Park mode> <RSSI> <Channel quality> <SCO link>
<HV2 packets> <HV3 packets> <u-law log> <A-law log> <CVSD>
<Paging scheme> <Power control> <Transparent SCO data>
+ /usr/sbin/hccontrol -n ubt0hci read_buffer_size
Max. ACL packet size: 192 bytes
Number of ACL packets: 8
Max. SCO packet size: 64 bytes
Number of SCO packets: 8
+ /usr/sbin/hccontrol -n ubt0hci write_scan_enable 3
+ /usr/sbin/hccontrol -n ubt0hci write_class_of_device ff:01:0c
+ uname -n
+ /usr/sbin/hccontrol -n ubt0hci change_local_name gahrtop.localhost (ubt0)
+ /usr/sbin/hccontrol -n ubt0hci initialize

Now, the weird thing is that in both cases, the kernel modules being
loaded are the same:

8    1 0xc727f000 7000     ng_ubt.ko
9    4 0xc7286000 b000     netgraph.ko
10    4 0xc7295000 2000     ng_bluetooth.ko
11    1 0xc7297000 d000     ng_hci.ko
12    1 0xc72a4000 10000    ng_l2cap.ko
13    1 0xc72b4000 19000    ng_btsocket.ko

and also the relevant outputs in /var/log/messages are the same:

ubt0: vendor 0x0a12 product 0x0001, rev 2.00/15.93, addr 2
ubt0: vendor 0x0a12 product 0x0001, rev 2.00/15.93, addr 2
ubt0: Interface 0 endpoints: interrupt=0x81, bulk-in=0x82, bulk-out=0x2
ubt0: Interface 1 (alt.config 5) endpoints: isoc-in=0x83,
isoc-out=0x3; wMaxPacketSize=49; nframes=6, buffer size=294

What I would like to know is:
1) why doesn't netgraph/netgraph and netgraph/bluetooth suffice?
2) what else should I include, if I want to avoid compiling the whole
/sys/modules/netgraph directory?

Thanks in advance!

Please CC me since I'm not on the list!

Pietro Cerutti

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