Mike Meyer wrote at 16:09 -0500 on Feb 11, 2007:
 > In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John E Hein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
 > > In your freebsd port, there is a common idiom that looks like this
 > > in the Makefile:
 > > 
 > > LDFLAGS+=-L/your/path/to/png/lib
 > > CPPFLAGS+=-I/your/path/to/png/include
 > The port idiom is correctly more like:
 > LDFLAGS+=-L$(LOCALBASE)/subdir/to/png/lib
 > CPPFLAGS+=-I$(LOCALBASE)/subdir/to/png/include
 > to get LOCALBASE correct. 

Not if you don't have it in LOCALBASE ;) (that's one of the problems I
have with ports - they all assume everything is in LOCALBASE, but I
often want to try stuff that I put elsewhere).

But, yes, most ports do something like that.

 > > ports@ is a better place to ask such questions, by the way.
 > Unless it's really an autoconf question, in which case the right place
 > would be an autoconf list.

True enough... or the author of the original software if you really
want them to fix their configure / configure.in

But ports@ or the PH is a good place to ask about working around such
upstream problems and getting it built on FreeBSD.
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