Hello, Eugene!

Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 01:11:46AM +0700 you wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 02:12:45PM +0200, Kostik Belousov wrote:

> > > mplayer hangs hard the whole system in the moment it switches to 
> > > full-screen.
> > > > When hangs, does it answer ping/allow ssh connections ?
> > > Can't check just now, but can establish serial console if you wish.
> > It would be better to check this in both cases (mplayer and return to vty).

> I've established ethernet and serial links with this box and checked.
> In both cases this is X server locked in "devdrn" state.
> All other processes and the kernel run just fine.

FWIW I have just came across the same with recent -CURRENT after
updating the nvidia driver (8*** worked all right). Any mode switch
(like Ctrl Alt +/-, vty switch, etc.) puts Xorg into devdrn (with all
other processes working fine) and a while later the machine reboots
(without dumping core).

No virus detected in this message. Ehrm, wait a minute...
/kernel: pid 56921 (antivirus), uid 32000: exited on signal 9
Oh yes, no virus:)

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