Doug Barton wrote:
 > Oliver Fromme wrote:
 > > In this case, the "real" time is much larger than the
 > > "user" time.  I guess that's the overhead of 85677 files
 > > and 23399 directories (according to find(1)).  :-)
 > Did you perform your tests once only with each method, and one right 
 > after the other? If so, the effect you saw might be due to file system 
 > caching.

I performed each test several times in succession.  If the
first run was much different from the rest, I ignored it,
so the caches were filled the same on all runs.

But 100,000 files still cause some I/O overhead, even if
the data is cached and the I/O requests don't actually hit
the physical disks.

Anyway, my point is not about caching and I/O.  The numbers
are pretty normal in that regard.  My point is about the
difference in CPU ("user") time when using "tar -cz" vs. 
"tar -c | gzip".

Meanwhile I had a quick look at the code:  gzip uses some
optimized assembler code (for x86 and 680x0), while libz
doesn't have such a thing.  Maybe that's the reason why
gzip is noticeably faster.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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