On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 23:52:11 +0400
Stanislav Sedov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mentioned:

> But they wants the value 0 to be returned in case of no errors, and
> since there are no errors in case of no files opened on mountpoint,
> returning non-zero could break some apps that relies on POSIX
> functionality.
> IIRC, solaris resembles the same behavior.
> You can check fuser entry in POSIX, it's available for free on
> opengroup.org. I might miss something. 

BTW, maybe someone could commit this utility in the base system?
FreeBSD still lacks support of this POSIX app.

IIRC, someone was going to commit this year-two ago, but, unfortunately,
gave this up :-(

This version supports much more filesystems than stock fstat utility
and uses more efficient algorithms to find entries.

Stanislav Sedov         MBSD labs, Inc.         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Россия, Москва         http://mbsd.msk.ru

If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.  -- A. Einstein
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