>>>>> "Yann" == Yann Berthier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Yann> On Tue, 15 Aug 2006, at 19:59, David Gilbert wrote:

>> Is there anyone actively working on openospfd (the port)?

Yann>    I ended up taking a snapshot of openospf at that time and
Yann> removing all route labels reference to compile it. It was
Yann> running fine, except that we decided to go for static routes due
Yann> to routes through an interface deleted as it should upon a link
Yann> down event, but not reinstalled upon a following link up, with
Yann> the routing table still insisting on using another interface
Yann> when the directly connected one was now available. Certainly ?
Yann> it was my hack's fault being too intrusive, but we where not
Yann> comfortable with this situation ...

Yann>    Not too much of a problem for the number of routes considered
Yann> in this part of the infrastructure but still ...

Could I possibly have a copy of what you used?  It may turn out to be
useful to me.


|David Gilbert, Independent Contractor.       | Two things can be          |
|Mail:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                    |  equal if and only if they |
|http://daveg.ca                              |   are precisely opposite.  |
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