
在 2006-08-07一的 18:10 -0700,Joseph Maxwell写道:
> >From FreeBSD machine:
> In rc.conf ==>
> nfs_client_enable="YES"
> nfs_server_enable="YES"
> ------------------
> >From fstab on SGI machine:
> .........
> .........
> presto:/usr /diskA-1 nfs soft,rw 0 0
> presto:/disk2 /diskA-2 nfs soft,rw 0 0
> ------------------
> Attempts at mounting presto disks from SGI machine idaho ==>
>   mount -h idaho -v
>   mount: NFS version 3 mount failed, trying NFS version 2.
>   mount: idaho:/disk2 on /diskA-2: Connection timed out
>   mount: retrying
>      /diskA-2
>   mount: unknown filesystem type: nfs
>   mount: giving up on:
>      /diskA-2
> ------------------
> Could someone suggest something else to look at, identify problem & suggest 
> corrective action?

Have you tried some other combinations, for instance, using TCP mounts?
Sometimes that would be a good workaround for NFS mounting issues...

Xin LI <delphij delphij net>    http://www.delphij.net/

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